Ed Pien
Stop Motion: (River) X, 2011
Impression numérique sur papier d'archive coton / Digital print on archival cotton paper
29 7/8 x 44 1/8 "
76 x 112 cm
76 x 112 cm
Ed. 5
Series: Stop Motion
© Ed Pien
$ 2,700.00
“ These 9 digital prints In this series began as images taken from a speeding train traveling across the English countryside shortly after a winter storm. The whiteness of the...
“ These 9 digital prints In this series began as images taken from a speeding train traveling across the English countryside shortly after a winter storm. The whiteness of the snow, combined with the bleak, grayness of the land, created seemingly endless and highly contrasted scenes evocative of charcoal smudged drawings. What also fascinated me, aside from the drawing quality, was the play between relativity of speed and motion. The elements closest to the train appear to be moving so fast that they became transparent blurs, while objects the furthest away, seemed to be in near stillness. The insertion of an image within the central circular form, is based on the play with mirror reflections from my outdoor installation entitled Psycho, that is installed at the Tree Museum, in Ontario.” EP